Spiritual Warfare

Ascending From the conscious to the Unconscious to Collective Consciously

Our psyche is divided into three parts which are the Conscious (C), Subconscious (SC) and the Collective Unconscious (CUC). 

We know that the Subconscious is the part of our psyche that we have no control over and very limited access. The CUC is the part where we realise we are all connected and that we all one. Just a giant ball of energy and within that giant ball each individuals having their own experience on Earth. To be able to access the CUC we have to be able to unpack and get through our SC. In our SC lays our deepest wounds and circumstance, events or experiences we have suppressed. Those circumstances, events and experiences have their own attachments of emotions, which is why many of us decide not to unpack our SC. 

Once we unpack and reconstruct our SC we are able to tap into the CUC. This is why people choose to do so as this is the part where we have our awakening to oneself of our experiences. 

The structure of the concept of the human psyche is much deeper than the Conscious, Subconscious and the Collective Unconscious. Carl Jung, a famous and well-known psychoanalyst and psychiatrist have studied and theories the concept of the human psyche. His theories and studies to this day are used to understand our human psyche. By educating ourself about the human psyche and it’s a way of working on understanding our own.

Our psyche is an amazing system within our body. Not only can it tap into the material world it can also tap into the spiritual world. Where many believe does not exist. There are many theories we can come up with in regards to where our Consciousness goes, after our death. Although there is no hardcore evidence on this. We were given a free will for a reason, we were put in certain family dynamics and bodies for a reason. There are lessons we need to overcome in regards to the uncontrollable positioning we are in. As those lessons help us evolve and grow our consciousness which brings in the puzzle pieces missing within our picture. Which is funny enough, a smaller part of the Big Picture or the Cosmo. - 

This is why I preach healing and why I believe it is part of ascension. We have all gone through certain circumstances that have wounded us in some way. Those circumstances we had no control over. It’s put us in a position to heal ourself or repress it. It’s not about reliving those moments, it’s understanding that certain things in the world we have no control over. That whatever the past circumstances were something we aren’t meant to carry the burden off for the rest of our lives. It’s teaching us to let go and before we can let go we have to be able to acknowledge that it is there. 

We can go our entire lives ignoring and denying parts of ourselves. Although by doing this we are not living to the fullest capacity we came here to do. Underneath the wounds, hurt or pain is a light. A light that will help us shine through the deepest and darkest parts of ourself. From personal experience, underneath my traumas was the light of resilient, courage, strength, bravery and beauty

It’s having to acknowledge all those hurt, wounds and pain before we can see those ball of light. Acknowledging also come with its own light which is compassion, understanding, empathy and forgiveness. Everything has its own light and SO DO WE!

We have to embrace the light beforehand. We have to see our own beauty and learn that we are more than our physical bodies. That this lifetime might have not been our first. Having an open mind and letting go of our Ego.

Letting our Higher Self live in a time where we are being baited out to live under fear, illusions and destruction. 

The term ‘human experience’ includes our emotions, our experiences, our past, present and future. Included the bad, good, the ugly and the beauty. It’s about embracing them all and learning that we are multidimensional beings that decided to evolve our consciousness and soul/spirit. Being open to the idea that there is more to life than the physical and the material world lets go of the concept of endings. That we are not meant to stay in a certain form forever. That we are constantly changing, evolving and growing whether we are consciously aware of this or not. 

Spirituality is about embracing this concept and connecting to our Higher Self. It’s not about dressing, eating or behaving a certain way. As everyone’s spirit is very different and uniquely made. Just because we are all connected from the same ball of energy does not mean we are all the same. We might have similarities although never the same. It’s embracing the uniqueness and difference we have. It’s about experiencing the human realm in the full scope of it all. We can not experience the full scope of the human experience if we are living under illusions.

The term ‘woke’ and the idea of spirituality has become mainstream. Everyone sees a level of corruption, distractions, illusions and egotistical mindsets within the people in power. Those things are something we can not hide. They exist and as more people awaken to these illusions we begin to see the lies we all live in. 

The real question is not ‘are you woke?’. The REAL question is ‘are you awaken and aware of your OWN illusions, you live out?’

That’s why healing is a must during ascension. We can not ascend to a higher level of consciousness if we are living out illusions within our inner world. We can lie and denial to ourself although we are only creating illusions. Which blocks us from our own blessings and greatness, making us our own worst enemy.  Again, we have a free will a reason. We can choose to be ignorant or choose to turn the light on. - With our chooses comes with actions and those actions have consequences and outcomes. 

Remind ourself that we have no control over others. That others prefer the company of misery as that energy is much more comfortable and familiar to them. - Do not drain or deplete our own energy when trying to change others. As those are not something we can control or should want to. - We are given free will for a reason. We have a choice between ignorance or the truth.

From the movie The Matrix

From the movie The Matrix



This current pandemic that is occurring has been over-exaggerated. There are people dying that is labelled from 'COVID' although what detail they don't share is that people already have a preexisting condition. Which gave them a higher chance to catch the virus and a low chance of fighting it as they already had a compromised immune system. 

Instead of sharing these details they bombarded us with over the top precautions and tackle it from the fear base announcement. Where being locked in our homes is seen as a 'must' and taking away our rights to freedom. Where they justify it for ‘our safety'. And if do leave our homes and pay a visit to a friend their neighbours will snitch on us to authorities. Just like how Germans citizens snitched on their neighbours if they were hiding Jewish people for safety or if they were Jewish, which then they would get sent to the concentration camps. 

Before Adolf Hitler invaded Poland which started World War 2 and even before he was elected chancellor of German he was well-liked and extremely charismatic. He implemented fear-based propagandas and demonized Jewish people to the point that German people would turn against them. Which was his tactic to create and promote fear to the mass population. Where the Germans would destroy and loot the Jewish people's businesses and where they violently behave towards them because of their race; sound familiar?

If we observe and educate ourselves with what has occurred in our history we see how they use fear and control to 'dumb as down'. If we study how each move of (example) the uprising of Hitler was calculated and needed for the uprising of the Nazi Party and invading Poland which started WW2. We see the bird's eye view on what fear does to people. And how easily they were willing to give their rights and freedom so quickly because of being in a state of fear. Hitler was very patriotic and intelligent. He voiced how much he loved Germany and its people. He also created propaganda in regards to ‘breading out’ Jewish people. With his propaganda, he conditioned the population to be complacent with his beliefs. With his belief, he inserted fear with the propaganda he approved.

Fear propagandas and control tactics have been around for centuries the real beginning of those measures psychologically was in 1712 by Willie Lynch. 

In 1712 Willie Lynch was a British slave owner who came to the colony of Virginia in America. Who recited a letter called 'The Making of A Slave'. In this letter, he speaks of creating friction and separation between the young and old, female VS male and comparing Black slaves to horses. During this time slave owners had become fearful of their slaves as they were creating resistance. So Mr Lynch came up with these diabolical tactics for slavery. Our ancestors have psychically freed us from slavery although our mind and soul are still there attached to these tactics that Mr Lynch has implemented. 

Willie Lynch implemented a psychological tactic to pin us against one another. Because if we are against one other we are more likely and easily controlled. The more we come together and realise that we are all connected we become a stoppable force that these 'elite leaders' are not going to be able to control. 

His tactic including pinning the older generation to the youths creating friction and competition between them. And if observe how the youth interacts and connect with the elders now, it's very far off from how our ancestors were. This tactic has created a separation between the young and old. Where the youth is supposed to look up to the elders and get wisdom as they lived a much longer life. And they have more experience in this area, where they hold knowledge, advise counsel and wisdom from their own journey. Now a day the youth don't seek counsel towards their elders. We've abounded that part of our nature.

There has been a battle between genders. That imbalance between the two forces has created separation and competitiveness. Putting one gender above another when both were made to work together to create heaven on Earth. Where we need each gender to create a world and a life. That both are capable of nurturing and providing. 

Mr Lynch also speaks of how taking a horse out of its habitat and conditioning it to the point the horse will not recognise its own nature. Where it'll be afraid of the sun, the open field and putting them a habitat that they are not accustomed too. Although it's a costume that is useful for 'business'. 

He goes into detail on how to break females and their 'offsprings' in the sense that the mothers will break their own children. Where he described creating a cycle that is going to 'pave a path for future generations’. This letter was created and spoke of in 1712. At the beginning of it all, he says that this tactic will be going on for 'over 300 years', which is 2012 and we are now in 2020. - Where there is a huge mass awakening to what illusions we have been living under. Not just with ourselves but also with everything else around us. Mr Lynch’s' tactic was the foundation of slave psychology. It was the beginning of it. 

Our ancestors put in so much work, blood, sweat and tears for us to be psychically free. Our job now is to free our mind and soul from the invisible cage that we have been living under. We need to first see those cages around us and realise that those are not permanent. That we are as strong as our ancestors and we've inherited their strength, resilience, courage and bravery to embark into this psychological and spiritual warfare that is going on in this moment. 

It doesn't matter what we label it, it doesn't change the fact it is still occurring and happening. That we are still in caged in our mind from over 300 years of conditioning not just from society but from our bloodline. The same conditioning that many of our past bloodlines have tried breaking. They have broken certain cycles that have gotten us to this point in time. We have again and inherited their ability to stand in our power and know they are with us. Protecting us from things we can not see or even comprehend. We have to acknowledge our ancestors and all the ones who broke a cycle in our bloodline. Their efforts may not have been acknowledged during their time. Although guess what we as the present bloodline sees that and need to be able to acknowledge it for them. 

There are so many things we can not see around us and couldn't even imagine on the other side. They don't and can't communicate to us the way we can in our psychical body. They can communicate through it is different over there on the other side. Call it heaven, spirit realm, or whatever we feel comfortable labelling it as; it doesn't change the fact it's still the other side of the psychical/3D realm. 

Mr Lynch's slave tactics did not only affect the Black slaves but also the owners where the 'head' of the family would use it on their own kin. Which then created this cycle of entitlement, egotistical and narcissism. 

That tactic was the beginning of all psychological slavery. Not just towards the slaves, because they psychically rose from it. It started to happen to ALL women. Where they created a sense of separation because of our skin and our genders. - They did this because if each and one of us all over the world realise that we are connected. That the real currency is energy. That the real language of humanity is one that EACH AND ONE OF US CAN SPEAK and tap into which is energy, frequency and vibration. That we need to tap in our emotions to be able to manifest, create and express our true natural nature. 

When we block our own emotions from substance, behaviour, habit or anything that stops us from processing and feeling our true emotions. We create our own blockages within the evolvement of our body, mind and soul. It's not easy to break out of over 300 years of conditioning. We have to remind ourselves that aspect when we are breaking any family or social cycles, patterning or conditioning. This is centuries of patterned conditioned behaviour and it's not supposed to feel easy. These are the cycles our past bloodlines have been trying to break although due to their own life journey they were not able to do so. Although that has given us this opportunity to do it for our bloodline and soul family. 


Image from an Instagram account Indigenous Peoples Movement

Image from an Instagram account Indigenous Peoples Movement